Treaty vs. Facultative Reinsurance Explained

Often referred to as "insurance for insurance companies," reinsurance functions as a financial safety net, empowering insurers to undertake risks beyond their risk appetite. It serves as a crucial financial instrument for many insurance firms, facilitating the management of risks and determining the requisite capital for assuming these risks.

Reinsurance is broadly categorized into two types: treaty and facultative reinsurance. In this comprehensive guide, Insurance Business elucidates the parallels and distinctions between these reinsurance classifications, alternatively termed reinsurance arrangements. Furthermore, we delve into the advantages and limitations of each, providing insight into which arrangement aligns best with your requirements.

Treaty vs. Facultative Reinsurance Explained

Understanding the Mechanics of Reinsurance

Before comparing treaty and facultative reinsurance, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of reinsurance and its operational dynamics.

The Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) defines reinsurance as a mechanism through which an insurance company can offload some of its financial liabilities to another insurer. This arrangement involves two fundamental entities:

  • The insurer, or the cedent or ceding company, transfers the risk.
  • The reinsurance company or reinsurer assumes a portion or the entirety of the policies issued by the ceding company.

According to Triple-I, the primary objective of reinsurance is to safeguard insurers against scenarios where they lack the financial resources to settle all outstanding claims.

Triple-I elaborates: "By law, insurers must maintain adequate capital to honor all potential future claims arising from their policies. While this safeguard protects consumers, it limits the volume of business an insurer can undertake. However, by redistributing a portion of their liability to another insurer, insurers can reduce the capital required to meet regulatory standards, demonstrating financial stability and the ability to fulfill policyholder claims."

The capital liberated through reinsurance enables insurers to underwrite additional insurance policies, thus bolstering their operational capacity.

Beyond risk diversification and capacity expansion, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) outlines several other motivations for engaging in reinsurance agreements. The following table delineates the familiar drivers prompting insurance companies to enter into reinsurance contracts:

Like a standard insurance policy, reinsurance can be acquired directly from a reinsurer or arranged through a third-party intermediary, commonly known as a reinsurance broker. Additionally, reinsurers may opt to obtain reinsurance themselves to mitigate excessive risk exposure in specific regions. This practice, known as retrocession, aids in diversifying risk portfolios.

Florida boasts a distinctive insurance landscape heavily reliant on reinsurance. For further insights into how the system functions in this state, explore our guide to reinsurance in Florida.

Understanding the Contrast: Treaty Reinsurance vs. Facultative Reinsurance

Facultative reinsurance is structured to protect individual risks or specific bundles of risks. In contrast, treaty reinsurance encompasses a ceding company's portfolio, such as an insurer's homeowners' insurance book.

These distinct reinsurance arrangements operate differently and have their own advantages and disadvantages, which we will explore in the subsequent sections.

Definition of Treaty Reinsurance

Definition of Facultative Reinsurance

Understanding Facultative Reinsurance: Mechanisms and Operations

In a facultative reinsurance scenario, the ceding company presents an individual risk or a specified package of risks to a reinsurer. Like an insurer's discretion in accepting or rejecting policyholders, the reinsurer retains the authority to accept or decline the risk.

Moreover, the reinsurer conducts its underwriting for some or all policies, treating each policy as a separate transaction.

Facultative reinsurance is commonly utilized for high-value or perilous risks due to its adaptability to specific circumstances. However, it may be less appealing to ceding companies as reinsurers might stipulate that the cedents retain some liability for the riskiest policies. Consequently, the ceding company may need to engage multiple reinsurers to offload any remaining liability.

Consider a scenario where an insurance company is approached to insure a $25 million project. If a catastrophic event leads to the project's failure, the insurer would be liable for the entire amount.

However, if the insurer's available capital for underwriting the policy is only $18 million, facultative reinsurance becomes crucial. Before issuing the policy, the insurer must secure facultative reinsurance for the remaining $7 million. This could entail obtaining coverage from a single reinsurer for the entire amount or approaching multiple reinsurers to cover portions of the balance until the insurer's capital is sufficient.

The insurance company can only proceed to issue the policy for the project after securing an agreement (or several agreements) to cover the remaining $7 million.

Benefits of Facultative Reinsurance

Engaging in a facultative reinsurance agreement offers numerous advantages for insurance companies:

Enhanced Risk Management: By transferring a portion or the entirety of significant or intricate risks to a reinsurer, ceding companies can more effectively manage their overall risk exposure.

Financial Stability: Diversifying risk portfolios and sharing losses with reinsurance companies can bolster cedents' financial stability and solvency. Maintaining a robust financial footing is crucial for insurers to sustain a strong market presence and meet regulatory obligations.

Capacity Expansion: Facultative reinsurance provides insurance companies with additional underwriting capacity, enabling them to assume more significant or complex risks that exceed their internal risk thresholds.

Access to Expertise and Resources: Ceding companies can leverage the resources, expertise, and underwriting capacity of their reinsurance partners, empowering them to navigate intricate risks more effectively.

Collaborative Relationships: Facultative reinsurance arrangements foster collaborative partnerships between ceding companies and reinsurers, laying the groundwork for successful professional relationships and mutual growth.

Drawbacks of Facultative Reinsurance

Despite its benefits, a facultative reinsurance arrangement presents certain drawbacks:

Tedious Process: Negotiating the terms and conditions for each risk can lead to a lengthy and intricate placement process, consuming valuable time and resources for both the cedent and the reinsurer.

Higher Administrative Costs: Compared to treaty reinsurance, facultative reinsurance transactions typically entail higher administrative expenses due to the need for individual risk assessment and negotiation for each arrangement.

Counterparty Risk: Ceding companies must exercise caution when selecting reinsurance partners to mitigate the risk of potential default. Failure of a reinsurer to fulfill its financial obligations could expose the cedent to counterparty risk.

Potential for Disputes: Ambiguities or misunderstandings regarding the terms and conditions of facultative reinsurance agreements may lead to disputes between the cedent and the reinsurer, necessitating clarity and precision in contract formulation.

The table below summarizes the advantages and limitations of facultative reinsurance arrangements.

Stay informed about industry developments by exploring our latest reinsurance market snapshot.

Understanding Treaty Reinsurance: Mechanics and Operations

Treaty reinsurance agreements involve the comprehensive transfer of all risks within a particular business book from the ceding company to the reinsurer. For instance, an insurer might transfer its entire commercial auto or homeowners' risk portfolio. Upon negotiation, known as the treaty, both parties agree to the terms, with the reinsurer obligated to assume all covered business.

In contrast to facultative transactions, treaty reinsurance arrangements typically span long durations. Reinsurers accept policies the ceding company has yet to underwrite, provided they fall within the predefined risk class outlined in the treaty.

Moreover, reinsurers do not conduct individual underwriting for the assumed risks; this responsibility rests with the ceding company. Hence, reinsurers emphasize due diligence to ensure that ceding companies maintain adequate underwriting standards before entering a treaty.

Pros and Cons of Treaty Reinsurance

The primary advantage of engaging in a treaty reinsurance arrangement for insurance companies is the automatic acceptance of all risks within predetermined limits. This eliminates the need for individual negotiation for each risk, ensuring seamless coverage. Additionally, reinsurers are obligated to cover risks even without prior knowledge, providing a layer of security for the ceding company.

Reinsurance treaties often incorporate sufficient commissions to cover the ceding company's expenses. Furthermore, provisions for profit sharing are commonly included in the agreement, offering additional financial benefits.

However, due to the "blind" nature of treaty reinsurance arrangements, most reinsurers only agree to conduct business if they are satisfied with the ceding company's financial standing and underwriting record. Treaty agreements also grant reinsurance providers the authority to scrutinize an insurer's records concerning claims or risks.

The Challenges of Facultative Reinsurance

While facultative reinsurance offers numerous advantages, such as providing tailored coverage for high-risk assets, it also presents challenges in finding suitable providers. Due to the specialized nature of the risks involved, locating a company willing to offer facultative reinsurance can be arduous. Even when a provider is identified, the underwriting process and negotiation of terms can be time-consuming and intricate due to the need to address numerous details.

Moreover, the limited scope of facultative reinsurance means that the benefits for the reinsurance company are confined to the specific asset covered by the policy. Unlike treaty insurance, which offers broader coverage across multiple assets or lines of business, facultative reinsurance may yield only a portion of the benefits if the ceding company experiences success in other areas.

Given these factors, many companies in the insurance industry opt for treaty insurance over facultative insurance, which provides a more comprehensive and streamlined approach to risk management.

At Axxima, we have extensive experience in facultative reinsurance and can assist you in maintaining your desired level of solvency or transferring risk for challenging placements. Our expertise and tailored solutions ensure your unique needs are addressed effectively and efficiently.

Comparison of Treaty and Facultative Reinsurance Structures

Facultative and treaty reinsurance agreements can be structured either on a pro-rata or an excess of loss basis.

Proportional Reinsurance

Proportional reinsurance, commonly called pro rata reinsurance, involves sharing premiums and losses proportionately to the ceding company and the reinsurer's agreed-upon shares. Additionally, the reinsurer typically compensates the ceding company with a ceding commission, covering expenses related to issuing the underlying policy.

Pro rata reinsurance arrangements are generally straightforward to administer and provide adequate protection against both frequency and severity of losses.

Definition of Pro Rata Reinsurance in Treaty vs. Facultative Reinsurance

Surplus Reinsurance

More than loss agreement, also known as "non-proportional reinsurance," the ceding company assumes a predetermined level of liability for losses. Additionally, the insurer pays a fee to the reinsurance company for coverage exceeding that retention, typically subject to a fixed upper limit. Excess of loss arrangements often offer cost savings regarding reinsurance premiums and administrative expenses.

Definition of Excess of Loss Reinsurance in Treaty vs. Facultative Reinsurance

Despite various economic challenges in recent years, the global reinsurance market continues to expand. Explore our rankings of the 50 largest reinsurance companies worldwide to discover the industry's leading names.

Comparing Treaty and Facultative Reinsurance

The following table offers a comparison between treaty and facultative reinsurance arrangements:

Finding the Ideal Reinsurance Partner for Your Requirements

Our Best in Insurance Special Reports page is your destination when seeking a reinsurance partner for your coverage requirements. The companies highlighted in our special reports have been nominated by their peers and rigorously evaluated by industry experts as esteemed and trustworthy market leaders.

Opting to collaborate with these industry frontrunners ensures that you are aligned with a company you can depend on during critical moments.

Critical Differences Between Treaty and Facultative Reinsurance:

Scope of Coverage:

Treaty Reinsurance: Broad, covering entire categories of risks or specific lines of business.

Facultative Reinsurance: Specific, addressing individual risks on a case-by-case basis.


Treaty Reinsurance: Typically offers less flexibility as terms are predefined in the agreement.

Facultative Reinsurance: Offers greater flexibility, allowing for customized terms based on individual risk assessments.

Underwriting Process:

Treaty Reinsurance: The underwriting process is less intensive as it involves bulk transfer of risks.

Facultative Reinsurance: Requires a more rigorous underwriting process for each risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between treaty and facultative reinsurance?

Treaty reinsurance involves a broad agreement covering entire categories of risks or specific lines of business. In contrast, facultative reinsurance is more tailored, addressing individual risks on a case-by-case basis.

How are risks evaluated in treaty reinsurance versus facultative reinsurance?

In treaty reinsurance, risks are evaluated collectively, with terms predefined in the agreement. On the other hand, facultative reinsurance assesses risks individually, with each risk undergoing a separate evaluation process.

Which type of reinsurance offers greater flexibility?

Facultative reinsurance offers greater flexibility as terms and conditions can be customized based on the specific risk being considered. Treaty reinsurance typically has less flexibility as terms are predefined in the agreement.

What is the underwriting process like for treaty and facultative reinsurance?

Treaty reinsurance involves a less intensive underwriting process because it involves the bulk transfer of risks. Facultative reinsurance requires a more rigorous underwriting process for each risk, ensuring thorough evaluation.

How do insurers decide whether to use treaty or facultative reinsurance?

Insurers typically consider factors such as the risks' nature, risk appetite, and the level of customization required. Treaty reinsurance may be preferred for broader coverage across entire portfolios, while facultative reinsurance may be chosen for specific or unique risks.

Can an insurer use both treaty and facultative reinsurance simultaneously?

Insurers often utilize treaty and facultative reinsurance to diversify their risk management strategies. Treaty reinsurance provides broad coverage, while facultative reinsurance offers flexibility for addressing individual risks.

How do treaty and facultative reinsurance impact an insurer's financial stability?

Treaty and facultative reinsurance are essential in managing an insurer's risk exposure. By transferring some risks to reinsurers, insurers can enhance their financial stability and maintain solvency, especially in the face of significant or catastrophic losses.

Are treaty and facultative reinsurance mutually exclusive?

No, treaty and facultative reinsurance are not mutually exclusive. Insurers can utilize both types of reinsurance simultaneously, tailoring their approach based on the nature of the risks and their strategic objectives.

Are there any regulatory differences between treaty and facultative reinsurance?

Regulatory requirements may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific terms of the reinsurance agreements. However, treaty and facultative reinsurance are subject to regulatory oversight to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

How can insurers determine the most suitable reinsurance structure for their needs?

Insurers should assess their risk profile, operational requirements, and strategic objectives when determining the most suitable reinsurance structure. Consulting with reinsurance experts and conducting thorough risk analysis can help insurers make informed decisions tailored to their circumstances.


Treaty and facultative reinsurance serve distinct purposes within the realm of risk management. While treaty reinsurance provides broad coverage across entire portfolios, facultative reinsurance offers tailored solutions for individual risks. By understanding the nuances between these two types of reinsurance, insurers can effectively manage their risk exposure and optimize their overall financial stability.
